From the Editor

A Way Forward in Post-Conflict Liberia

Itonde A. Kakoma
and Michael A. Eastridge

The Importance of Working with Scraps: Reconciliation in Difficult Contexts

Joseph C. Liechty

Every reconciliation process will require some level of agreement between antagonistic parties.

Defining Forgiveness

Some Reflections on David Konstan’s Before Forgiveness
Joseph Liechty

In Before Forgiveness: The Origins of a Moral Idea, David Konstan, Emeritus Professor of Classics and Comparative Literature at Brown University, brings his vast knowledge

World Cup Reflections: Religion (But Mostly) Conflict and Peace

Joseph C. Liechty

That sport can function as a kind of civil religion is both a truism and a subject of scholarly analysis.

Multiplying Conversation Partners and Intercultural Translators

Teaching Theology and Expressing Personal Faith in the Undergraduate Classroom
Joseph C. Liechty

Even as religious studies scholars and theologians debate the meaning, utility, and integrity of the category of “religion,” says a recent call for papers for the Journ

Religion and the Environmental Crisis

Joseph C. Liechty

In the brief life of the Journal of Religion, Conflict, and Peace, just over a year now, the essays submitted for publication have illustrated how far-ranging are the concerns that

The National Anthem Debate at Goshen College

Dissent and Hospitality, Tradition and Inclusion
Joseph Liechty

This editorial is unusual, but it is based on what is both an editorial principle and a principle of peacemaking at the Journal of Religion, Conflict, and Peace: while some controversies within religious communities are best contested behind closed doors, among the people most immediately affected, sometimes opening a door to the public can be beneficial.

Fundamentalist Rights

Joseph Liechty

For brief but thoughtful comment on current issues in religion and society in the United States—and sometimes further afield—it’s hard to beat Sightings, reflections sent out by email twice weekly by the Martin Marty Center at the University of Chicago. Each week, Marty writes one piece and someone else the other.

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Journal of Religion, Conflict, and Peace. Copyright © 2013.
Published by Plowshares: a Peace Studies Collaborative of Earlham and Goshen Colleges and Manchester University. Supported by a grant from the Henry Luce Foundation Initiative on Religion and International Affairs.
Readers may duplicate articles and quote from the journal without permission, provided no changes are made in the text and full credit is given to the author.